Should be last fish added to the tank
Fish Grouping: S-Wrasse-FishOnly
Neon Wrasse
Pinkface Wrasse
Should be last fish added to tank
Paddlefin Wrasse
May be kept with a mate if tank is larger then 125 gallons. Must be added to tank last.
Hardwicke Wrasse
Should be added to tank last. Can be kept with a mate if tank is larger then 125 gallons
Dragon Wrasse
2-4 inch sand is needed. Only ONE per Tank
Bird Wrasse
May jump, can live as a pair but female must be added to the tank fish
Banana Wrasse
May jump, and should be added to the tank last
Bluehead Wrasse
Should be added to the tank last
Lyretail Wrasse
Should be last fish added to tank