Kuda Seahorse

Thrive when kept as a mated pair or in small groups in a species-only aquarium.

Ingen’s Seahorse

Social fish thrive when kept as a mated pair or in small groups in a species-only aquarium

Yellow Multibanded Pipefish

Difficult to keep due to its unusual feeding requirements. Best kept in mated pairs or groups of its own kind.

Janss’ Pipefish

Difficult to keep due to its unusual feeding requirements. Best kept in mated pairs or groups of its own kind in an aquarium.

Bluestripe Pipefish

Best kept in mated pairs or harems of one male and multiple females in an aquarium, and but be added at the same time. Difficult to keep due to their small size and unusual requirements.

Banded Pipefish

Difficult to keep due to its unusual feeding requirements. Social species is best kept in mated pairs or groups of its own kind

Dragonface Pipefish

Social species is best kept in mated pairs or groups of its own kind. Difficult to keep due to its unusual feeding requirements