Fish Category: Saltwater
Kole Yellow Eye Tang
Yellow Tang
Will eat invertebrates such as worms, crustaceans, and serpent stars.
Sammara Squirrelfish
It will eat small fishes that it can fit in its mouth, invertebrates such as worms, crustaceans, and serpent stars.
Popeye Catalufa Soldierfish
Will eat invertebrates such as worms (includes fireworms), crustaceans, and serpent stars.
Glass Eye Squirrelfish
Will eat invertebrates such as worms (including fireworms), crustaceans, and serpent stars.
Big Eye Black Bar Soldierfish
It will eat invertebrates such as worms (including fireworms), crustaceans and serpent stars.
Cat Shark
Will eat any crustacean
Shark Egg
Will eat any crustacean